ITs amazing how life is sometimes, we all get wrapped up on the treadmill of life and forget to take a hard look around us. I make it a point to take a little time everyday to take that hard look without blinders just to really see and that just look but see whats around me, the good, bad and the ugly. I hope that most days is the good......
Once I sat down in a park by the river in Brooklyn just to read a book and for a solid 30 minutes just watched a young couple violently argue about a phone, really just a phone but I figured it had to be more than that, but for this purpose it was just a phone. Other times I've seen fathers play ball with their little kids, of course the kids can't really catch well but just that smile on their faces tell the whole story and makes you wonder why a father would walk away from their kids, just makes me think at least.
On a really nice cool day you will see movie makers, photographers and bike riders just rotate in and out of this little place by the water.
Well that leads me to today, I just finished prepping for a state test and I just wanted to take a magazine and sit by the park, today I sat at a table bench combo deal by myself, spent a decent amount of time flipping thorugh Fast Company and then a group of mentally challenged girls that where from, which I was told later, from a group home. So out of all the places to sit they decided to sit at my table bench combo deal, which was kewl.
I just kept reading my magazine of insightful articles which I was shocked about, this is the first time that I read the magazine but I do recommend it to anyone that wants to be up on the up and comers. Anyhow I was ready to leave when one of the girls was mesmerized by the bridges and the water, she thought it was the ocean and she was seriously excited about it, the girl had to be no older than 12, I turned to her and told her it was a river that lead to the ocean.
Now just with opening that line of communication the girl kept me there for about 30 more minutes so she can explain to me about the Titanic and the horrible event that happened in Borough Park Brooklyn not too long ago. She just kept going on and on, but she was so happy that someone was actually listening to her, which I did. It was interesting but it was at moment that I thought wow how soon we forget to always be curious, always wonder and always dream.
This little girl actually made my day as crazy as that seems, I think it was because the simplest thing as just listening to her and not saying much made her so happy for that moment, it had nothing to do with much but communicatiing with someone talking about whatever comes to your mind.
Well from there my day has been pretty good, and it just reminded me that if you put yourself in a good frame of mind then your day will be as great as you want it to be and second thing was that it reminded me to always wonder about things and dream hard while fighting harder to achieve those dreams.
Life is that gift that needs to be unwrapped everyday no matter what, smile when the situation says you should fold, fight harder when you have no more fight in you, don't allow the actions or words of others to steal what you are trying to achieve and if they don't believe in you then THE HELL with them as if you believe in you then you will make it happen. The way I see it if you reach for the stars worst case you'll get caight on the moon and that is certainly better than living a life that isn't fulfilled.
Here is an example of someone living an unfulfilled life, someone that is ULTRA talented in a thing and they have dreams about doing wonderful things but they are too afraid to take THEIRS so they live in obscurity on that treadmill of life. I say take a hammer to that treadmill and reach for your dreams at all cost because you may not be able to do it later in life.
Anyhow these are my rants for today but let me leave you with this, as the US Economy gets slammed and gold continues to rise as I said it may just to the 2200 to 2400 range in early 2012, for those that are smart they will seek out those sleeper companies that have been dragged through the mud but will prosper in the years to come. Don't chase the consumer staples or keep running for gold, as what goes up must come down and when the Global Political tensions ease up after November 2011 while the global economies begin to settle down you will see the true value in companies shine, its your job to do your homework and find those gems.
Until next time have an awesome week and enjoy your life on your terms not on the terms of what the massess say.
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